4 years ago
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
New from Ames in Japan
OK.......Ames sent us some videos and Alex put them together! ha! Good to know Ames is as crazy as ever!! ha! Man I love that kid! The first part is Ames singing this crazy song and THEN the next part is his comp...Elder Jack, secret filming Ames singing crazy in the shower! ha! My favorite part is that you can tell Jack is silently laughing as the camera shakes!!! HILARIOUS!! Then the last part is Ames tapping in Tokyo! ha!
Here is a better one! The spin at the end is sick! (you don't have to watch the whole time...I think their's is only like 2 min.)
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Do Da!
OK....so I was mistaken,I said I only got 2 NCAA games wrong!! Ha! That was before the 2nd half of the games played. Uh...yeeeeah..... ha! those two regions were the upset of the century! Making NCAA history of upsets! Well...let's just say now that I have 1/2 the teams right! ha! Man! Gotta love March Madness!! Teams I am impressed with: Michigan St. (Mazoulla and Anderson! wowzers!) and Notre Dame. We'll see if my pick of Louisville taking it all will happen. Who knows? It could happen!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Friday! O how I love thee!!
yep.....Friday's are the greatest!! Especially when you have it off! ha! Whoever came up with "spring break" is a genius! Not that I am getting a whole lot done. I worked all day yesterday on one wall in the dining room and last night I could barely move my arms!! Holy cats! There is not enough Ibuprofen in the world to ease my pain. Ha! AND sad the AZ Wildcats lost last night. Pook...and I had them moving on in my bracket....but losing to Duke. I got all but 2 first round games right.... Man! I lalalove March Madness!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I've got the dining room blues!

OK.........working on our new dining room! Oh my!! this is gonna take some work! 80 year old wallpaper that has been painted over many times....gonna be so hard to take off!! Not looking forward to it. We are doing the archway first and getting that out of the way. I remember painting the bricks on the archway to the kitchen and how long THAT took! oh boy!! I might say that when it is all done, it will be a beauty to behold! ha! Whenever that will be! Well...I have the next 5 days off....maybe I can make headway! (And don't think by the title that I am painting the room blue! ( the pic was taken the begining of Dec. so it looks a lot different now! no 2x4's and the archway is coming!!)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Happiest Place on Earth!
Alyssa just left for TOUR! Man! Disneyland for 4 days(plus a performance there for Production Co.), Wicked, Hollywood workshop!!, Dinner cruise, singing a mass with a standing room only congregation on Easter. It's a rough life....but someone's gotta do it! ha! I don't envy the bus trip, but I do envy all the rest! ha! You go sissa!!
Friday, March 14, 2008
A Mother's Touch

Never underestimate the power and influence of a mother!
I just read this article written about Barrack Obama's mother. Here is the link to it: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23623222/
It is worth reading. I really want to read his other book now. I read "The Audacity of Hope" and it really convinced me of the authenticity to this man. And now I know the why of it all. I do not doubt the great influence a mother can have on her children. The part I loved was what he treasures. A revealing look compared to those other candidates!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
And the winner is??

OK He has won twice as many states. He has 200 delegates more. He by far has the popular vote. He is tied with super delegate votes..............why don't they just give it to him already?? Let him move on to campaigning towards November! VP? Yeah...right! They (the Clinton campaign) are calling it a "dream" ticket..........Ha! I call it an "In your dream" ticket!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Voice Control!
Man o man! well...it's gone! It's official! yike! My voice is barely a whisper! I hate, hate being sick!! There are so many things I need to do and now have no energy to do them! I had this whole week off with big plans to make headway on the archway in the dining room! Alas! Nothing was done! But, it will still be there when I am feeling better (better than what?) Ha! Build a bridge and all that!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Happy B=Day to Alex!!!
OK....happy birthday Alex! You are one amazing son! I love you tons. And to anyone out there in the cosmos.........GO OBAMA!!!!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
BIG Night!
Big night tonight for the Presidential race...Go Barack!! I am so glad we have a performance of Little Women, that way I won't be torturing myself with the results. (o please let him win Texas!!!) By the by...Little Women is going astonishingly well! ha! (well...nothing astonishing about it....great talent foreshadows great shows!!! and Craig you did amazing last night..........DeeDee you make me cry every freakin' night! Insane talent! I love it!)
Just go win it big Obama!!!
Monday, March 3, 2008
The week off!
Hallelujah! I am so, so glad I have the week off! Now maybe I can make some headway on our dining room. ha! Yeah. And Happy Birthday to my sweetheart! I love you tons!!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Little Women cont.

OK we had opening night last night. The cast did amazing! The audience was about 90 strong and seemed to like it. Hopefully they will spread the word and others can enjoy this show. We have had people who have seen both the Broadway show AND the touring show and they said ours is by far better!!! (than what?) So that is a HUGE compliment!
The March sisters....forever!
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