Tuesday, November 10, 2009

way too long!!

OK....it really has been a LONG time since I posted on here!!! EEEsh...where to start!? My mom fell and broke her hip! Yep 87 years old and this is the first time she has broken a bone!!! The surgeon said her bones look really strong for someone her age. But, if I am not at work, I have been down at my mom's. I really think that I can now just go down once a week. There are so many things I have put on hold that remain to be done. But, hey! they didn't go anywhere...they are still here and waiting for me! ha! funny about things like that! She is doing very well. What a blessing.
OH>>>and my oldest grandson, Peter just turned 13!!! holy freakin' cats!!! a teenager! He is such a dear little thing! ha! JK Peter!! But, I do think you are awesome!!