Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Value of a book!

I know I posted about my Soar reading group, but this is astonishing. We had been reading Inkheart (which my boss bought for us to read). And we didn't know what to do with the books now that we are done with our group. Should they go into Take Home Reading or the Leveled Library?! After talking about where to put the books, my boss asked if the kids would like to have them! I was elated. I brought the kids together and told them our delema about what to do with the books and then told them that we had decided to give them each their own copy. There was a hushed silence as it dawned on the six of them that they would indeed get to finish the book after all. Then, they all started talking at once, hugging me and thanking me very boisterously. I couldn't believe it! Were these the same kids who "hated" to read? Well, maybe they will read this summer after all!

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