Took the grandsons to see Alice In Wonderland today! Love Tim Burton and this movie was so much better than I originally thought it would be! Absolutely LOVE the actress that played Alice. Of course, loved Johnny Depp!!! (who doesn't?) Even though he was mad as a hatter! ha! But the animation and the art work....fantastic! as you can see by the picture below!! Love those flowers! I just loved every little thing about this movie! One thing I love is that they put the Jabberwokie poem in there....well only partial. But how many kids (or grown ups for that matter) know that poem? And who was the big, bad villain.....the Jabberwokie! LOVE. IT!
The grandsons asked me afterward...what is a jabberwokie??? So, we started talking about Lewis Carroll and then about the poem. As in the words of Brandon..."That movie was AWESOME!!"

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